Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam non rutrum neque. Quisque viverra dolor non purus faucibus mollis. In porttitor orci odio. Vivamus gravida varius tristique. Proin tristique pulvinar porttitor. Sed lectus ligula, feugiat nec nisi a, convallis volutpat nisi. In et pretium est, a ullamcorper mi. Maecenas accumsan elit ac nulla rhoncus, ut blandit ex tincidunt. In venenatis sit amet augue faucibus suscipit. Nullam sodales eleifend tortor nec malesuada. Aliquam varius maximus turpis at scelerisque. Pellentesque quis nulla eget arcu elementum pharetra. Maecenas malesuada nisl quis elementum pretium. Quisque facilisis libero ac tortor laoreet vulputate. Nulla pretium hendrerit.
In one year you could train someone like Pastor Marcel to defend the rights of his entire village.
In one year you could pay for someone like Omar to testify at the UN about the situation in his country, and call for protection.
In one year you could send a CSW researcher into a crisis zone like Burma or Syria, to gather evidence to share with decision-makers and bring policy change.
Give monthly and join a movement of over 2,000 regular givers, committed to setting people free from religious persecution.
“We give as we know how lucky we are to live in a country where we’re free to live out our faith.”
“I give because I want to stand with the world’s most marginalised”
We believe we can all play a part in campaigning for freedom of religion or belief.
Gift Aid increases the value of your donations and means that CSW can benefit even more at no extra cost to you.
If you're a UK taxpayer, add Gift Aid when you make a donation and CSW can reclaim the basic rate tax on your gift.